Saturday, July 28, 2012


I am officially thirty years old. This has been an emotional birthday in so many good ways. For most of my marriage, I felt badly on my birthday. I would tell myself on my birthday, "Next year, I want to be happy. I need to be out of this marriage." And that birthday would roll around and I would be so depressed that I never mustered up the courage to leave something that wasn't working. I had many reasons for staying and it was always complex. But deep down, I knew I should've never gotten married.

I declared my separation before my 29th and officially moved out about a week after my birthday. It was too soon and too raw to be actually happy on my 29th. I was taking the right steps, but I was an emotional mess. This year, I am clear. I am rebuilt. I am elated.

I get teary just thinking about it. I kept letting myself down, year after year. Doing myself the injustice of staying when I shouldn't have. I am so comforted in my friendships and in my little cozy home. I am taking care of myself and it has been such a very, happy, birthday.

This song is dedicated to myself.
Birthday by The Bird and the Bee on Grooveshark
Who knows your birthday
Who knows your number
Who knows your color
Who knows your hands
Who knows the sum
The sum of all your parts

Who knows your limit

Who knows your highest
Who knows your lowest
Who knows your end
Who knows that bottom
The bottom of your heart

Hold on, hold on

Keep holding on to me
I will love you from the bottom
No one holds you better than me
Hold on, hold on
Doing the best we can
I will love you on your birthday
I will love you better than them

1 comment:

  1. Your post is very inspiring. Divorced individuals will most likely celebrate their birthdays with more gladness after reading your article.
